Leader: Dr. Sophie Ladd
Faculty Assists: Dr. PG Schrader & Dr. Kenny Varner
NITEP Fellows are being trained not only as leaders in the classroom but also on campus, and in the community. Understanding the communities in which we work, building relationships with families and students, and engaging in community-embedded service learning activities are an integral part of your role as a fellow. Community engagement pathways align with university goals and your work as a fellow. According to The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, “The purpose of community engagement is the partnership (of knowledge and resources) between colleges and universities and the public and private sectors to enrich scholarship, research, and creative activity; enhance curriculum, teaching, and learning; prepare educated, engaged citizens; strengthen democratic values and civic responsibility; address critical societal issues, and contribute to the public good.”
And, research shows that when families, communities, and educators come together K-12 students are more likely to succeed both academically and emotionally. With this in mind, each NITEP fellow will engage in one sustained community engagement pathway that aligns with NITEP’s commitment to community. Each community engagement pathway results in 20 hours of participation (5 hours a month in January, February, March, and April). Exact dates and times will be determined through communication with community partners and program leaders.
While the specifics of each possibility will be shared in November of 2020, and assigned before the winter break based on fellow’s preferences, the range of choices include:
- Family Learning Evenings
- 3-5 Grade Writing Buddies
- Homework Hotline Facilitation
- Masterminds Science Mentors